Every day in one way or other we try to find happiness in a complete chaos that is what we struggle for. Actually temporary happiness is omnipresent found everywhere. If we want we can search for it. Social relations, acceptance and independence are the most important factors that measure our happiness in life. These are the basic factors that determine our happiness.  Happiness is inner bliss. It glorifies the heart and mind and leads to bring glow to a person. A happy and cheerful person will always be centre of attraction in any crowd, that person will stand out in the crowd. Sent  Social relations, acceptance and independence are the most important factors that give happiness. T o begin with social relations are most important for me to feel happy I should have good relations with people around me for peace of mind.
I have close and intimate friends with whom I can share my worry, troubles and also the joy I experience in daily life. Why from my bad acceptance from the close relatives make me happy when I take some important decision in my life, for instance the career I choose should be acceptable by my parents and spouse.
Independence is the most important factor that gives true happiness. I would always like to think. Independently and do the action I want with full freedom. I would always prefer to take the full responsibility in the sense I would like to own up my success and failures that I achieve in my business and even in day to day life.  Happiness is very simple things even an innocent child’s smile and waves in the beach can make a person feel happy without spending a single pie and without making a hard effort.  Happiness is got when we help others and make others happy.
Happiness increases when we share it someone. After all man is a social animal and would always live in a society. Happiness can be felt easily if we have an open mind and leave everything to supernatural powers after finishing the duty wholeheartedly and sincerely. Happiness is contagious too. If we are leading a contented life automatically happiness will be filled in our life. It will increase when it is shared with others who are our well wishers. Â In a nutshell happiness is an easiest thing to get in life if we are true to ourselves.