Lips are visible body part of the mouth and lips are really eye catching part of the face. Especially wearing red lipstick everybody attract our lips. Lips are very soft and smooth. Its serve as the opening for food intake and lips used articulation of sound and speech. Every person has a different set of lips with different shapes and color. Some have thick lips, others have a thin lip, which means there are more than one types of lips in human beings. That is thick lips, thin lips, unequal lips, fallen smooth lips, oomph lips. Canadian makeup artist Andrea Reed is makeup into an art form with painting famous paintings like the Great Wave off Kanagawa on her lips. Andrea Reed is makeup her lips not only famous painting. Andrea Reed is also painting photo realistic textures like leafs or honeycombs. Girl grey beauty is an Instagram. Now more than 100,000 people follow to lips Art of Andrea Reed.