January 1st, the most welcoming day of people around the world with lot of expectations making a step into the New Year. It was born in 1600 in Scotland based on Gregorian calendar. There are several calendars worldwide which is been still in usage with the different day of the year as New Year according to their traditions. Beautiful Quotes and Messages with warm greetings in the cards are been exchanged by people to their friends, acquaintances, family and relatives. But by the latest trend the SMS are being forwarded by people to another people. People gather at restaurants, beach and clubs to celebrate the welcoming party. It is usual that New Year will be carry forwarded by the resolutions taken by people to improve their potential and the effort which is been taken in order to keep their word true. But it’s the time to take an Oath or an added resolution that to help the needy and to maintain the peace in this world . Always the New Year which brings energy and hope to gather new experience and would welcome new opportunities to explore. We would like to wish all the people that the lights of the New Year 2014 will bring everlasting happiness, glorified with joy sparkled with merriment and your dreams to become true.