The artwork that made on human body is meant to be body painting. The common body paintings like tattoos, body piercing etc., Performance art is the parent of body art. The body painting artwork will be done for some concepts, advertisements and much more. Once the body painting is limited for the face then it is meant to be face painting. Temporary tattoo is also referred to body painting since it is meant for some time only. The work depends on the creativity of the painter. Sometimes nude artwork also is in this type of painting. The body painting is always either in form of sensational or exhibitionist.
There are number body art exhibition takes place all over the world and they celebrate this event annually as a festival. The professional painter all over the world takes part in this event to prove their art and to be some sensational issue as a target. Now a day’s Glittering tattoos are the most popular in body painting artwork. There are more designs drawn in human body from the ancient times. Today here are some of the best breath taking body painting artwork is collected in our showcase for you.
Source : Website