I love to see the sky and like the way of cloud and it movements. Every day it gives an interesting feeling about the life and makes some childish feeling within me, which makes me happier and starts my day with a smile. Hope this might be yours too. If not try it today and share your experience
Cloud is nothing but a mass of liquid droplets made with other chemicals above the planetary object. Cloud Physics is a study of Cloud which is the branch of Meteorology. When fog rises above the sea level, clouds form in the clear air. The genus of the fresh formation with satiability and moisture content. These characteristics in period of time. After the changes, the original genus is called as Mother Cloud. After the appearance of Genus if it forms the original cloud in mother then it is called Genius Cloud.
There are four types of cloud which is divided from the Latin language. Cumulus is said to be heap in English language which means like fair weather cumulus. Stratus is the second which means the layer, Cirrus which is known as Curl of Hair and finally nimbus which is said to be rain.
The clouds which forms above 6000 meters is said to be high level clouds and these clouds are in ice crystals since it the temperature is cold. They are normal white and thin and which has the capability of appearing in array of color when the sun is low.
The clouds between 2000 to 6000 meters above are said to be Mid Level Clouds. These are in the form of water droplets which is also of temperature, when the temperature is slow it also be with the ice crystals and much more.
The clouds with different shapes and structure makes the way of thinking according to the viewers and it makes much more enjoyment and also feels with good start with Pleasant Morning and Evening.